Two brothers from a small southern town embark on a life-altering journey to locate a missing loved one. A young girl fights for her life as she struggles to survive the horrors of her captors. A Queen finds herself entangled in a mission to save not only her city, but the whole of the land. Magic, always thought of as being games and illusions that children would perform in the streets, reveals itself to be something much darker...and very dangerous.
Edicts of Chaos invites readers to become immersed in a tale that is filled with beautiful landscapes, love and passion, the pains of death, and characters that grip the hearts of those who dive deep into their individual struggles and successes. It offers a new perspective on the Fantasy genre and delivers a captivating storyline that will intrigue adolescents and adults alike.
I know it's been a while since Book 1 was released. I took some time off from writing but I'm back at it and getting deep into Book 2, subtitled "Beyond the Barriers. Hopefully I can have it done by the end of this year (2024).
Continue the journey of Hew and Val as they accompany Dea on a new journey. Discover where Lojapheth and Mer end up after their disappearance into the beam of light in the Fields of Kiradon. Follow along with Pyrian and Noxx on a new adventure that will reveal the true power the old mage truly welds!